Forefront Health
Forefront Health

3 Reasons Broccoli May Be Dangerous To Your Thyroid

By |2021-08-03T08:03:43-07:00November 15th, 2017|Healthy Foods, Hypothyroidism|35 Comments

Did you know that broccoli is a human invention?

In fact, many of the most common cruciferous vegetables that you eat today are all human inventions.

They were all derived from the same wild mustard plant.

We’re talking about…

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Kohlrabi

All of these are the same exact species of plant that have been […]

5 Natural Ways to Fight Fatigue with Hypothyroidism

By |2018-06-20T14:52:28-07:00July 19th, 2017|Hypothyroidism|4 Comments

Are you tired of being tired?

The fatigue that oftentimes goes hand-in-hand with hypothyroidism can be debilitating and stop you right in your tracks.

And because most people don’t see hypothyroidism as the serious health concern it really is, they really don’t understand what you’re going through.

It can be overwhelming just trying to act like a normal […]

How Bob Harper’s Exercise Routine Killed His Thyroid and (Almost) Killed Him

By |2019-05-10T11:49:04-07:00May 24th, 2017|Fitness, Hypothyroidism|13 Comments

Can too much exercise really kill you and your thyroid?

The short answer is, YES

I think Bob Harper is a perfect example, and I’m going to show you how it all happened in just a minute.

If you’re not familiar with Bob Harper, he’s a celebrity personal trainer who is featured on the popular reality TV weight-loss […]

7 Common Thyroid Symptoms That Often Lead to a Thyroid Misdiagnosis

By |2018-04-17T14:50:09-07:00April 19th, 2017|Hypothyroidism|29 Comments

How would you feel if your doctor scored a 36% on their thyroid medical school exam?

If you consider that anything less than 60% is a failing grade…

…that’s taking failing to whole new level.

Would that make you be a bit skeptical about your diagnosis?

Maybe you would want to get a second opinion?

Of course… and rightfully so!

Well, […]

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Always Treat Thyroid Cancer (There’s Another Option)

By |2017-12-04T15:08:11-08:00January 11th, 2017|Hypothyroidism|5 Comments

This is Part 1 of a 2-part series on thyroid cancer:

Part 1 – [You Are Here] – 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Treat Thyroid Cancer (There’s Another Option)

Part 2 – How to Prevent Thyroid Cancer (and Its Reoccurrence) by Suppressing This One Hormone (coming soon…)


Thyroid cancer is scary, right?

In fact, two things most newly diagnosed cancer […]

How to Accurately Test for Estrogen Dominance (Without Testing Estrogen)

By |2017-04-24T23:50:31-07:00December 14th, 2016|Hypothyroidism|24 Comments

Want to know if you’re estrogen dominant, and whether or not it’s suppressing your thyroid?

Well, regardless of whether you’re male or female…

…if you suffer from hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, then it’s pretty much a sure thing.

Yet, I want to show you a way you can test this for yourself.

Now, if you’ve had your estrogen levels tested […]

How to Use the Thyroid Pulse Test and the “Magic” Number to Aim For

By |2021-10-12T10:48:43-07:00August 4th, 2016|Hypothyroidism|13 Comments

Has this ever happened to you?

Your phone rings and it’s the receptionist from your doctor’s office. Your thyroid labs results are in and your doctor wants to go over them.

Fast forward a few days and you’re sitting with your doctor anticipating the results.

Then you hear those words…

“Great news! Everything came back normal, so there’s nothing […]

Is This the End of the Low-Carb Diet for Weight Loss?

By |2017-04-24T22:38:24-07:00July 20th, 2016|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|16 Comments

Have you ever tried, or thought about trying, a low-carb diet for weight loss?

Well, you might want to think again…

…because according to new research, low-carb and ketogenic diets are in big trouble.

Today, doctors and nutritionists everywhere are recommending these dangerous diets more than ever before.

And this only continues to add to the misinformation and thyroid […]