Did you know that upwards of 93 percent of all Hashimoto’s sufferers are deficient in Vitamin D? Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Vitamin D deficiency go hand-in-hand.
Don’t suffer from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
Well, you’re not fairing any better seeing as 94 percent to 98 percent of hypothyroidism sufferers are deficient too.
In other words, if you’re hypothyroid, then you’re pretty much guaranteed to be deficient in Vitamin D.
But, before you run to the store to stock up on Vitamin D, you need to read this post to the end first.
There’s more to this than just Vitamin D, and in some cases supplementing Vitamin D may worsen your condition.
Certain vitamin deficiencies have long been associated with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism.
Yet, increasing evidence is showing that Vitamin D, and other fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies, are playing a central role in both Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism.
Hashimoto’s and Vitamin D Deficiency
When it comes to Hashimoto’s and Vitamin D deficiency, it has really come down to the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Does Vitamin D deficiency cause/contribute to Hashimoto’s?
Or, does Hashimoto’s cause/contribute to Vitamin D deficiency?
A more recent study has now helped to answer that very important question.
Vitamin D supplementation reduces thyroid peroxidase antibody levels in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease: An open-labeled randomized controlled trial.
“CONCLUSION: Vitamin D supplementation in AITD may have a beneficial effect on autoimmunity as evidence by significant reductions in TPO-Ab titers.”
This study shows that not only does supplemental Vitamin D (and calcium) help improve Hashimoto’s thyroiditis…
…it can improve Hashimoto’s drastically.
After 3 months of an equivalent daily supplementation of 8,500 IU Vitamin D3 and 1,250 mg of calcium carbonate daily, the median reduction of TPO-antibodies was 46.7 percent.
That’s huge!
So, how can you re-create this yourself?
Well, the calcium carbonate supplement is easy.
I show you exactly how to make the safest and most effective calcium carbonate supplement from eggshells here: Eggshell Calcium Supplement
Supplementing Vitamin D becomes a little more complicated because of its potential to deplete other important fat-soluble hormones, like Vitamin A.
Never Supplement “Vitamin D” without “Vitamin A”
Restoring Vitamin D levels is very important in both Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism.
However, when it comes to supplements, many people take a “more is better” approach.
Please keep in mind that Vitamin D levels should ideally be between 40 to 60 ng/ml (100 to 150 nmol/l).
(NOTE: Vitamin D status should be tested using the 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D / 25(OH)D lab test.)
Too little and too much Vitamin D is associated with various health complications.
Yet, the important thing to note is this…
Vitamin D should always be supplemented together with Vitamin A. Too much of one can create a deficiency in the other.
This is one reason why we now use them together in the ideal protective ratios in our Vitamin ADK Thyroid Formula.
Much like Vitamin D, Vitamin A is also known to be deficient in both Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism sufferers.
So, supplementing large amounts of Vitamin D can help, but only as long as we don’t worsen (or create) a Vitamin A deficiency in the process.
Vitamin A Is Just As Important for Healthy Immune Function
For starters, Vitamin A is necessary for your body to use thyroid hormone (T3).
Studies have shown it to both significantly lower TSH while significantly raising active T3 thyroid hormone.
(NOTE: I show you how using the “right” form of Vitamin A can help boost your thyroid by 61% in this post on Vitamin A and Hypothyroidism.)
But there are other important functions of Vitamin A that are quite helpful for Hashimoto’s sufferers.
1. Vitamin A Can Help Lower Your TPO-Antibodies
Estrogen is well known to drive the production of TPO-antibodies in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
(NOTE: I cover this in detail along with a 3-Step Plan to help fix this in this post on Hypothyroidism and Estrogen.)
Yet, Vitamin A also helps to lower estrogen, and therefore, can help improve antibody levels.
2. Vitamin A Can Calm Your Overactive Immune System (and Inflammation)
Vitamin A is well known for its important role in regulating immunity, especially in the gut.
Yet, it can also help regulate your T Cells that drive much of the inflammation caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, there can be an overabundance of T Helper Cells that produce large amounts of inflammatory cytokines.
Vitamin A helps promote the production of T Regulatory Cells, which work to shut down the immune reaction.
In other words, Vitamin A helps to ensure that there’s enough regulatory T Cells available to come clean up the inflammation and mess caused by your over-active immune system.
This is why Vitamin A is so important in preventing and/or reducing all sorts of allergies, including food allergies.
So, there you have it. If you suffer from Hashimoto’s (or hypothyroidism in general) then Vitamin D can be a life-saver.
However, supplementing Vitamin D alone isn’t generally the best solution.
You can’t neglect the need to balance it properly with Vitamin A.
Using Vitamin A and Vitamin D together in the right balance is not only safer, but can be even more effective in regulating your TPO-antibodies, your immune system, and your inflammation.
1. Chaudhary, Sandeep, et al. “Vitamin D supplementation reduces thyroid peroxidase antibody levels in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease: An open-labeled randomized controlled trial” Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, May-Jun 2016, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27186560/
2. Botelho, Ilka Mara Borges, et al. “Vitamin D in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Its Relationship with Thyroid Function and Inflammatory Status.” Endocrine Journal, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 29 Oct. 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30058600
3. Cannell, John. “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Does D Deficiency Play a Role?” Vitamin D Council, 10 May 2018, www.vitamindcouncil.org/hashimotos-thyroiditis-does-d-deficiency-play-a-role/
Vitamin D supplementation, combined with calcium, can significantly help people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. A recent study showed that taking 8,500 IU of Vitamin D3 and 1,250 mg of calcium carbonate daily reduced thyroid antibodies by 46.7% after three months. However, it is important to remember that Vitamin D shouldn’t be taken alone, as it needs to be balanced with Vitamin A. Both vitamins are typically deficient in people with thyroid problems, and they work together to help regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve thyroid hormone function.
I have hyperthyroid Graves, is there any
thing that can lower Graves antibodies and increase thr TSH, mine is 0.002
Hi Bobbi, this article is look specifically at TPO antibodies. But a low TSH isn’t necessarily bad. I would highly recommend you go through this testing protocol because it can show you a lot, even if you have Grave’s: https://www.forefronthealth.com/lp/ultimate-thyroid-testing-protocol/
What can you do if you have Hashimoto’s due to being adrenal insufficient? Basically I had a adrenal tumor which left me producing no cortisol when the tumor was removed in 2007.
Thank you Robin
Hi Robin, Dr. Hans Selye showed that when adequate progesterone was available, the need for adrenal hormones declines significantly. He actually showed in rat experiments that completely removing the adrenal glands could be compensated for by progesterone.
So are there any adverse side effects in taking progesterone. I have lower cortisol all day and higher at night but sleep well. I get fatigued and bronchitis if I do not have progesterone.
When used corrected, no.
hello Tom, i ordered your thyroid 100% collagen protein, will you please advise how this is a thyroid support, thank you
Hi Amy, I’ve covered that in this article here: https://www.forefronthealth.com/collagen-and-thyroid/
would your recommend people get tested before taking this supplement? i eat a ton of sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin and carrots so I am not sure I would need the vitamin A?
Hi Heather, it’s important to understand that I’m referring to real vitamin A, not beta-carotene, which in excess can suppress thyroid function. I cover this in detail here: https://www.forefronthealth.com/vitamin-a-and-hypothyroidism/
thank you so much for the reply. i actually had read that post but had forgotten about it. interesting. i’m not overly yellow so hopefully i’m not overdoing it. i need to have blood work done anyway so i will ask them to test for those vitamins as well.
How does sunshine relate to Vitamin D supplementation? Are the given D (& A) amounts for those who get sunshine, or for those with skin cancer? If even short amounts of sunlight seem to cause pre-cancerous (keratoses?) or skin inflammation of some sort, is there a cause for that? (Let me guess hypothyroidism {and the rest of the family}?)
Vitamin D is synthesized the same way as Cholesterol. Through the skin by the sun.
Its actually a hormone, not a Vitamin but is needed as is Cholesterol.
One can/should, sun themselves as much as possible, without much clothing on arms, upper body as 1 can do.
And DON’T use sunscreen for at least the first 30 mins to 60 in the sun…I never do.
Sunscreen has be determined to cause skin cancer more than the sun alone. Don’t use one unless it’s without all the bad stuff and chemicals.
And small amounts of sunshine don’t cause pre cancerous anything…
Hi Tom. You state that, “… Vitamin D levels should ideally be between 50 to 60 nmol/l (20 to 24 ng/ml).” This is much lower than most sites, which typically recommend a minimum level of 75 or 80 nmol/l, and preferably 100 or higher. I know you are fastidious about your research – could you please tell me where the 50 – 60 figures come from? My recent level was 98 nmol/l and my doc is encouraging me to go higher, but your numbers say I’m too high already. Thanks!
Hi John, yes this is based on studies such as mortality. Vitamin D has a hormetic effect where excess levels can become dangerous.
Hi Tom. I’ve been reading a lot of your articles and although I don’t remember where, I’m referring to the one that says even though your antibodies are elevated, it does NOT mean you have Hashimotos. I was diagnosed about a year and half ago and I’m pretty sure it was based on my antibodies. I don’t have a lot of the usual symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, etc. My main issue over the past maybe 6-8 years has been anxiety for which the docs just gave me anti-depressants. My MD only ever did TSH test and always said it was NORMAL(??) but I knew different. I was on Eltroxin for years. I finally went to a functional doc and she is the one who diagnosed me. I saw her for a year and got nowhere so I went to another which is where I am now and was put on dessicated thyroid in November. My TSH is 3.87; FT4 is 21; FT3 is 3.7; morning cortisol (fm blood) was 609; progesterone was <0.7; VitD was 154; Ferritin was 245. Cholesterol was: HDL 1.72 LDL 3.35 Triglycerides 0.95. I was put on the dessicated thyroid and a progesterone cream but 2-3 into it I started having gut issues with discomfort in lower abdomen. After talking to my doc, suggesting maybe progesterone was cause she told me to stop it all and re-start each seperately but upon stopping the progesterone cream, the discomfort disappeared pretty quickly and I had no more problems with food as I was. After a few days, I restarted the thyroid meds at original dose and had some discomfort again so next day I took a half dose and it is better. I know you can't tell but is it likely that I do not have Hashis but am simply Hypo. It would be nice to know. I have begun following your protocol.
I was also treated for leaky gut in the last year. I was told to go gluten free and have lost weight having eliminated that and following a somewhat paleo-type diet.
I believe I have had thyroid issues for over 30 years as through my research and reading I discovered the link between thyroid and miscarriages and I had at least 8 between my two children. I could never get beyond 8 weeks. Back then, no one thought of thyroid as the cause. My father was hypo and my eldest brother was hyper. I also have another brother who is hypo.
Hi Francine, I think this is the article you’re looking for: https://www.forefronthealth.com/thyroid-mistakes/
Regarding the progesterone, that can happen if the dose is inadequate. Be careful with paleo-type diets as they are quite thyroid suppressive. There’s a big connection between hypothyroidism and miscarriage. It has everything to do with estrogen dominance. Paleo diets tend to increase estrogen.
Hi Tom,
I have been actively following your Hypothyroid Revolution program and started the supplements for almost 6 weeks now…I have to tell you that I don’t know what it is, the diet, the supplements the ADK or Calicum or Progesterone, but this is the first month in a very, very long time that I haven’t had problems with terrible breast soreness and pain 10-14 days prior to my menstrual cycle. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what is helping me most because I had the most painful sore breasts every month and even had a breast biopsy last year, which thankfully was negative. No matter what I did, I tried dr. recommended high doses of Iodine which i am now learning is also harmful….so many things that I thought I was doing right and healthy were obviously wrong, I ate what I thought was a very healthy diet. I hadn’t had cows milk in 17 years or more….I think I was desperately missing the calcium and Vitamin D which may be why I had breast issues…but also it may have been that my progesterone was way off. I like your Progesterone drops way better than Emerita cream I was using for a few months prior to starting your supplements. Maybe is it because I am sticking with your diet and truly eliminating PUFAS in my diet. Whatever it is, I have you to thank for feeling like I am truly on the road to recovery. Better nights sleep, no breast pain and more energy. BTW, I love the ADK oil. I am so thankful that I found you! Thank you for your research and all you do to help us. :)
Hi! I am 33 years old and have suffered with infertility for 10 years. I’ve had no pregnancies and am considered an unexplained infertility case. My TPO levels were right at 1800 during my labs this month. I am taking T4 25mcg but an euthyroid with or without it. I would love any advice you could share with me and whether or not the TPO is likely the issue. My husband and I have both been tested thoroughly in all other ways and nothing has been identified other than my TPO. Thank in advance.
Hi Sherry, Elevated TPO antibodies (often diagnosed as Hashimoto’s) is in large part caused by excess estrogen as covered in this article:
Excess estrogen can drastically increase risk of miscarriage/infertility because it robs the uterus of oxygen, which prevents cell division/growth of the embryo.
Sir my wife got antibodies 1000 but all blood test report shows thyrod is normal except antibodies…..how can be controll this
That’s exactly what this article covers.
Hi Tom,
This helps answer some questions I had.
One problem I have started having is that it seems like no matter what vitamin d3 I have taken, I have a problem with an urgent signal to urinate with usually low output. It is about every 20 to 30 minutes. I’ve tried many different supplements and even some cod liver oil with the same results, unfortunately.
With the smoke in California lately, my most recent d test was lower than I like to see it, 36.
It’s usually between 50 and 70.
I’m not sure what to do.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately, vitamin D tests are not indicative of a person’s true D status. first of all, vitamin D is stored in adipose tissue/fat, so tell me how testing the serum is showing how much D is in your body? That is like testing the fuel line of your car to see how much gas is in the tank. The testing of D in the blood of the storage form tells you little to nothing about how much active D is in your body, not to mention whether the receptors are open and not blocked. Taking oral D is like shooting with blind folders on. It is more complex than just thinking your body needs more of something that you really do not know for sure does. That is why UV produced D is the only way to get D, through your body’s internal wisdom. When you take oral D, you are telling your body that it is getting it, like it or not.