Forefront Health
Forefront Health

The 3 Essential Thyroid Diet Rules All Thyroid Sufferers Should Follow (…But Don’t)

By |2025-03-25T08:17:37-07:00March 25th, 2025|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|20 Comments

Your diet has a much bigger impact on your thyroid symptoms than you probably realize.


Doctors are quick to tell you that changing your diet won’t make a bit of a difference.

Well, that’s what they are taught by the pharmaceutical companies anyways.

But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at the research and see through […]

The Worst Food for Your Thyroid (and Doctors Claim It’s “Essential” to Your Health)

By |2025-03-18T03:22:22-07:00March 18th, 2025|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|39 Comments

Are you eating the absolute worst food for your thyroid?

Whether you realize it or not, you most likely are.

In fact, 99% of people today, hypothyroid or not, are currently consuming this food (in one form or another) daily without realizing that they are sabotaging their own thyroid health.


For starters, it’s hidden in almost everything you […]

4 Ways to Safely Indulge Yourself This Holiday Season Without Ruining Your Thyroid

By |2024-12-10T05:58:28-08:00December 10th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|0 Comments

Want to know how your thyroid can have its cake and eat it too this holiday season?

We all know that sticking to a diet during the holidays is almost impossible.

Between all the sweets that are calling your name, the holiday parties, and the visitors, you don’t always have complete control over what you are eating.

Of […]

How to Fix This BIG Thyroid Diet Mistake Using the Nutrient-Activation Principle

By |2024-11-12T02:15:05-08:00November 12th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|18 Comments

Have you ever made a big mistake?

Of course… everyone has.

Unlike most others, I encourage people to make mistakes.


Because we learn and grow by the mistakes we make.

Just like Thomas Edison, who failed a thousand times before creating a working light bulb.

If it wasn’t for those first thousand mistakes, he never would have learned what works […]

How Whey Protein Can Suppress Your Thyroid by Increasing This Amino Acid by 42.4%

By |2024-08-13T07:25:04-07:00August 6th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|11 Comments

Everyone knows that protein is important for thyroid health.

Yet, did you know that some protein sources can cause more harm than good?

That’s right.

Just trying to get more protein into your diet isn’t enough.

The source of that protein matters and is important too.

When it comes to protein powders, there are literally dozens of different types […]

7 Thyroid-Suppressive Foods to Avoid with Hypothyroidism

By |2024-07-30T09:02:24-07:00July 30th, 2024|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|54 Comments

Do you really know which foods to avoid with hypothyroidism?

Well, few people get this right.


Because most people (and experts) look at food in completely the wrong way.

It’s easy to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger and more important picture.

This is why so many experts recommend foods that are believed to be […]

How Did Your Ancestors Survive Without Thyroid Medication?

By |2023-11-29T15:04:42-08:00November 29th, 2023|Hypothyroidism, Nutrition|40 Comments

Odds are that the idea of no longer depending on your thyroid medication has crossed your mind at one time or another.

Maybe even the idea of using something that you believe is “unnatural” makes you cringe a bit.

If our ancestors could survive without thyroid medication, then why can’t we?

Say no more…

I completely understand and have […]