It’s sad but true.

Your doctor is probably looking at your thyroid tests all wrong.

This means that they (and you) are missing vital information that can give you clues and insight into how best to fix your thyroid issues.

Working with clients over the years, I’ve seen a lot of thyroid tests.

I’ve seen clients with TSH levels above and beyond 100 mIU/L (now that’s a lot of inflammation!).

I’ve seen clients with extremely low thyroid hormone levels.

I’ve also seen clients with extremely high thyroid hormone levels who were still extremely hypothyroid.

Yes, it happens more than you might think.

Just about anything is possible when it comes to your thyroid.

So, it’s important to understand how to interpret thyroid tests correctly.

Infographic illustrating how to understand thyroid test results.

But it’s also important to understand that just measuring the hormone levels in your blood doesn’t tell you what you really need to know.

That requires a different type of testing which I’ll show you a minute.

Now, most doctors (and patients) only look at thyroid tests with respect to the test reference ranges.

If that’s what you and your doctor are doing then you’re missing out on so much more.

But that’s about to change because I’ll be showing some of the common lab test results we see and what they really mean.

And please keep in mind that we look at a number of other tests and test values when working with clients.

So while this isn’t a comprehensive list, it can help you get discover some bigger hidden thyroid problems that need to be fixed.

1. Correctly Interpret Your TSH

Let me start by saying that TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is a very inaccurate thyroid test when used alone.

And if your doctor is only testing your TSH, then you need to either ask for additional testing or find a new a doctor who will.

The reason is because TSH is actually very poorly correlated with thyroid function due to the high percentage of false negatives.

In other words, while many doctors will test your TSH and tell you that your TSH is within “normal” range… you’re likely still very hypothyroid.

This is because your TSH is influenced by more than just your thyroid function.

All of the factors below can lower your TSH (to within the normal reference range) while masking serious thyroid issues:

  • Aging
  • Stress
  • Infection
  • Blood Sugar
  • Excessive T4

Hidden Thyroid Problem #1…

Your TSH should be below 1.5 mIU/L (or ideally below 1 mIU/L).

(Note: Having a TSH value above 1.5 mIU/L means you’re still hypothyroid and are at a higher risk of death due to heart disease, which was covered in this article here.)

But keep in mind, even a TSH below 1.5 mIU/L doesn’t mean that your thyroid is fine and healthy.

You still need more information.

A graph illustrating the underlying thyroid issue data.

2. Correctly Interpret Your T4

Some doctors who are willing to test beyond TSH will also test T4, the inactive form of thyroid hormone.

While this can be useful information it still doesn’t tell you what we really need to know.

Most doctors will simply look to make sure your T4 is anywhere within the test reference range.

However, your T4 levels should ideally be close to the middle of the test reference range.

An image of a T4 (direct) thyroid testing range.

(Note: Your test, test reference range, and measurement units will likely differ so you’ll need to determine the mid-range for your own thyroid test.)

If your T4 is much below that then this does indicate that there’s a potential problem.

But there’s more we can learn by looking at T4 and TSH together.

Hidden Thyroid Problem #2…

If your T4 level is below the middle of the reference range and your TSH is “normal” or high…

…this is a common sign of estrogen dominance and that estrogen is directly suppressing your thyroid gland from releasing thyroid hormones.

Estrogen has a tendency to inhibit the proteolytic enzymes that are required for your thyroid gland to release the thyroid hormone it has stored.

A graphic of unhealthy vs healthy thyroid hormone production.

3. Correctly Interpret Your T3

Unfortunately, most doctors won’t test T3 levels, the active form of thyroid hormone that you and your body depend on.

And this is yet another huge mistake being made by the medical system today.

For those patients who do get their T3 tested, it’s oftentimes interpreted incorrectly as well.

Having T3 levels within the test’s reference range isn’t enough.

Ideally, T3 should be at least in the upper quarter of the test reference range.

An image of a Triiodothyronine (T3 serum) testing range.

(Note: Your test, test reference range, and measurement units will likely differ so you’ll need to determine the mid-range for your own thyroid test.)

But we can also learn more from looking at T3 and T4 together.

Hidden Thyroid Problem #3…

If T4 is normal or high and T3 is low…

…this is a common sign that your liver is not able to properly convert your T4 into T3 efficiently and focus needs to be on improving liver function.

(Note: Liver dysfunction is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism today and we show you some simple ways improve your thyroid hormone conversion in this article “How to Heal Your Thyroid By Healing Your Liver”.)

A graphic of unhealthy thyroid hormone conversion in the liver.

Hidden Thyroid Problem #4…

T3 testing in general is a bit more complicated than testing other thyroid hormones.

This is because many patients also have some degree of thyroid hormone resistance that is preventing them from using the T3 that is available.

(Note: Thyroid hormone resistance can be caused by certain parts of thyroid hormone pathway being blocked which is covered in more detail in this article on “How We Overcome Hypothyroidism When All Else Fails”.)

Because of this, some patients require larger doses of T3.

And in some cases, tests can show T3 levels well above the test reference range and these patients feel considerably better when they do.

Unfortunately, most doctors will panic and lower your thyroid medication regardless of whether or not you feel better, even if lowering it makes you feel worse.

While all of these test values can be helpful in discovering some common thyroid problems that need to be fixed…

…it’s important to understand that these tests alone still can’t accurately diagnose you.

A graphic of blockages in the Thyroid Hormone Pathway.

There’s still more you need to know.

We still need to know the most important thing, which is regardless of how much thyroid hormone you have available in your blood… can your body actually use it?

You can supplement or medicate with all the thyroid hormone you want, but if you can’t get that thyroid hormone to your cells then it’s all a lost cause.

And you’ll always be hypothyroid.

So, that’s exactly what you’ll discover when you go through the Ultimate Thyroid Testing Protocol.

The Ultimate Thyroid Testing Protocol

This thyroid testing protocol will show you a very different side to thyroid testing than you’ve seen… and help pinpoint even more hidden thyroid problems that need to be fixed.

It’s based on real research and has been shown to be far more accurate than lab testing today…

It’s the same thyroid testing protocol that we use with all of clients… and it works.

The Ultimate Thyroid Testing Protocol is the first step to getting the answers you need to start testing and overcoming your hypothyroidism.

If that sounds like what you need, then put this testing protocol to work for you.

Click here to learn more about the Ultimate Thyroid Testing Protocol.

Image of success in addressing hidden thyroid problems.


Conventional thyroid testing often fails to capture the full complexity of thyroid health. By examining TSH, T4, & T3 levels more critically, one can uncover hidden dysfunction driven by factors like estrogen dominance, liver metabolism issues, and thyroid hormone resistance. Traditional blood tests provide an incomplete picture of thyroid function, missing insights about how effectively the body actually uses thyroid hormones at the cellular level.