We’ve seen it a hundred times

You’re experiencing multiple thyroid related symptoms.

Your hair is shedding faster than ever.

Your brain is full of fog and you struggle to focus on much of anything.

You’re constantly freezing when everyone else around you is warm.

You’ve always suspected you could have a thyroid issue… yet your blood tests say you’re fine.

You’re constantly meeting with your doctor, whose only answer is a slew of prescriptions that never seem to make you feel any better.

Your mental health is suffering from fear that you might not ever get the answers you’re looking for.

So, you start seeking out holistic doctors and alternative solutions…

…yet you continue to find yourself stuck at the same dead end no matter which path you take.

Unfortunately, for most, there is no happy ending.

They never find the right path and live their whole life trapped by their thyroid condition.

Yet, this isn’t that story.

This story takes a different turn.

Meet Jaime, One of Our First Forefront Health Ambassadors…

Watch the video below to hear Jaime discuss her 15-year transformative journey back to the happy and healthy version of herself… and what helped her the most along the way.

Like many thyroid sufferers, Jaime found herself dealing with a multitude of thyroid symptoms long before she was ever diagnosed.

She was a young, healthy, and athletic mother of six.

While her health struggled between pregnancies, by the time her family was complete, her hormones had taken a turn for the worse…

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Weight gain

Needless to say, daily life wasn’t a walk in the park.

She recalls…

“I would look at food, and it would basically cause me to gain 5 lbs, just by looking at it.”

Yet, as Jaime put it…

“I’m also a type A personality, so I’m able to kind of push through and do all the things whether they bother me or not.”

That’s when Jaime finally underwent an MRI that confirmed her first diagnosis… multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. It disrupts the signaling between the brain and other parts of the body, leading to vision problems, pain, muscle weakness, and a host of other symptoms.

(Note: Jaime didn’t know this at the time, but her multiple sclerosis diagnosis was connected to her undiagnosed Hashimoto’s thyroid condition, as both are driven by estrogen dominance, which we discuss in more detail in this article on “3-Step Plan Can Lower Hidden Hashimoto’s Hormone by More than 55% In 10 Weeks“.)

As a healthcare professional, Jaime understood the limitations of our healthcare system and knew she wasn’t going to get the help she needed going the traditional route.

Instead, she preferred more natural ways and decided to take matters into her own hands.

She began intermittent fasting, believing that losing weight would help restore her health.

“I was also fasting to lose weight. That’s how I would handle my weight loss. And it worked very well for me, but now I know that was a big stressor in my life.”

Little did she know, she was simply digging herself into a deeper and deeper hole.

The Dreaded Hashimoto’s Diagnosis

That’s when things took a turn for the worse.

As Jaime says…

“About two years ago, I started having a hard time swallowing. I was having pain up into my ear and into my jaw. I knew something was going on.”

An ultrasound of her neck revealed a thyroid nodule.

Soon after, lab tests confirmed her second autoimmune condition… Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

At least, the chronic weight gain finally made sense.

And it confirmed Jaime’s suspicion that her thyroid was at the root of it all.

This newfound diagnosis also led Jaime back to the drawing board, this time in search for new answers to how she could better manage her thyroid health.

That’s when Jaime stumbled upon our website…

“…the medical system is not my favorite place to be. So, I dove in to study and that’s when I found Forefront Health.”

Jaime began to learn that many of the diet and lifestyle choices she believed were helping her, were actually sabotaging her thyroid health.

(Note: Want to learn the most common mistakes thyroid sufferers make? Read this article on “10 Biggest Thyroid Mistakes Hypothyroidism Sufferers Make.”)

As Jaime discovered, sometimes you have to take a turn for the worse, before you can take a turn for the better.

Jaime’s Journey Back to Being Happy and Healthy

As Jaime began reading through our website, she went all in on her thyroid health.

“I started immediately with their diet, and I ordered their supplements.”

Even though she was nervous, she was excited that the diet was enjoyable and that she could actually drink more coffee.

(Note: Want to learn how coffee can help boost your thyroid? Be sure to read this blog post on “The Ultimate Guide to Coffee, Caffeine, and Your Thyroid.”)

It didn’t take long before she was noticing a difference…

“Within a month, I was already seeing a difference in my energy levels.

I was noticing my hair fall out less.

I saw changes in my skin. My skin felt softer.

I was also sleeping better.”

But most importantly, she was finally connecting the dots with her diagnoses, and getting the answers she was looking for…

“All of this culminated in this big understanding for me that my multiple sclerosis… that my thyroid issues have probably plagued me for many many years in addition to my other autoimmune diagnosis because they tend to go hand in hand.”

She also learned that it all stemmed from estrogen dominance.

While estrogen dominance goes hand-in-hand with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, there’s one supplement that we recommend over all else to help.

It also happens to be the one supplement that Jaime credits most for her miraculous recovery.

The Power of Progesterone

A key component of Jaime’s transformation was adding Molecular Progesterone Complex to her daily thyroid regimen.

(Note: Want to learn more about how Jaime overcame her Hashimoto’s? Check out this article on “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: How It Develops and How to Reverse It.“)

“Progesterone, I feel, is something that I will not ever be without because of estrogen dominance. Trying to get rid of it on your own is almost impossible. And therefore the supplements have really helped.”

Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Estrogen Protection Sale | Shop Now Up to 35% Off

With the help of progesterone, Jaime was able to start reversing the damage that her autoimmune conditions were causing…

“My lump went away within a month actually… the pain in my jaw went away, so I know that I was having success by the way that the progesterone was helping get rid of the estrogen.”

While helping her tackle her autoimmune conditions was no small feat, when we asked Jaime to share what she loves most about Molecular Progesterone Complex, she was quick to mention all of the other benefits she experienced in the video below…

Looking back on her Journey over the past 15 years, Jaime shared…

“I found Forefront Health just to be a wealth of information.

Overall this journey has been wonderful, I feel so much better, my energy levels are normal, something I haven’t experienced in years.

I know the progesterone is key to my thyroid health with my estrogen dominance.

And therefore I will never be without it.”

We hope you enjoyed learning about Jaime’s transformational journey back to her happy and healthy self.

She is an inspiration to all thyroid sufferers and a stunning example of what is possible when you put the right plan in place.

We would also like to thank Jaime for sharing her story, and our mission of advancing the education of thyroid health and helping other thyroid sufferers get back to living a life without limitations.

(Note: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as part of our commitment to raising awareness around estrogen dominance and its connection to thyroid dysfunction, breast cancer, and autoimmune disease… we’re holding our annual Estrogen Protection Sale.)

Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Estrogen Protection Sale | Shop Now Up to 35% Off

It’s an opportunity to save big on Molecular Progesterone—because addressing estrogen dominance is vital for restoring thyroid health and reducing risks associated with breast cancer.

But don’t miss out. It ends soon.